Jul, 06, 2022

- Diana Edithe Andria-Mananjara (environmental and social issues)
- Jean-Michel Mortillaro, Jean Fall (aquaculture systems and innovations)
- Tran Le Cam Tu, Charles Boussou (fish nutrition)
- Angela Lusiastuti (fish health management)
- Jean-Christophe Avarre
Each group leader presented their progress and achievements: generally, several meetings were held within each group. Several groups organized practical seminars while others worked through questionnaires and held thematic discussions.
The major difficulty shared by all groups is the availability of their members. Several propositions were made to keep the motivation of ASACHA members:
- to edit a book on all aspects covered by ASACHA network, which will constitute a kind of context-specific user guide for sustainable aquaculture
- to organize practical training sessions on specific topics before this end of year, during a meeting that could take place in Cambodia Next November
In order to endorse and implement these propositions, a third SC meeting is scheduled for July 29 (10:30 am Paris time). Meanwhile, each group was asked to propose a precise content of training, as well as concrete actions for the year 2023: student exchanges, student co-supervisions… Any idea will be welcome.