In the frame of AquaCAM project (https://aquacam-fspi.fr) the On 22 June 2022 at the Royal University of Agriculture of Cambodia (RUA) amphitheater, awareness-raising and training workshop on sustainability assessment of aquaculture in Cambodia was held. Done under the auspices of His Excellency Professor Bunthan NGO, Rector of RUA and Dr Hav Viseth, Deputy Director-General of FiA, this event aimed to introduce the governance tools for aquaculture sustainability developed under the AquaCAM project.
Through a participatory and expert approach, an assessment grid with interlocking principles, criteria and indicators was proposed to determine the sustainability of the three classical pillars (social, economic and environmental), but also for the governance pillar. In addition to this sustainability assessment method, another governance tool, in the form of a health inspection grid for aquaculture farms in the tropics, was presented. The grid, which was developed in collaboration with over 70 aquaculture experts from around the world, provides an objective assessment of factors considered to be at risk of mortality or disease outbreaks on farms. More than sixty people, mainly members of the fisheries administration, the faculty of fisheries and aquaculture experts from various institutions, NGOs and students, participated in this training day with lively and constructive exchanges. A certificate of participation and a booklet, containing the essential elements of the evaluation, grids were given to the participants. The booklet, in Khmer and English, is available free of charge on request on the Aquacam website (by clicking on the link above the group photo).